Wednesday, December 17, 2008

If you could give any gift in the world,what would you give and to whom?

If I could give any gift in the world it would a home and it would be to the needy. I will give a home because theres lots people who is out there and dont have a home. when the winter come they will need to have some where to be to get away from the cold. Iwill give a home because they will have a roof over their heads with some food. To me its better to give than to receive. If some one needs help its a good thing to help. I will give a home because no one deserves to live on the streets it doesnt matter what that person did.

What do you think makes a good friend?

What I think makes agood friend is some one who is always there for you no matter what. some one who who understands you when you are down. what also think that makes a good friend is some one who dont talk about you behinde your back. some one who trust you even though some one said you said some thing you wont get mad and start makin a scene. A good friend is some one who is there for you when you neee them. some one who makes you happy when you are down. what makes a good friend ansd some one who you tell your secrets to and not worry abou some one else knowing. a good friend is some one who dont leave you for some body else. some one who dont trade on you. some who dont get mad at you over stupid stuff. some one who is still by your sied even after all the disagreements you had.

what t.v or movie star would you like to invite to your birthday party?

The t.v star I would like to invite to my party is CHRIS BROWN. I would like to invite him because he is my favorite singer. I would like for him to perform at my party and he could sign autographs. It would be fun. That would be a good present because I really like him. Things would get out of hand but there would be lots of body guards for him. I know lots of girls would go crazy.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ultimate Driving Experience

Once upon a time I was with my friends Raketa, Tahndrea, Chakiyla, Destiny, Simone, Vanessa, Asiah, Naysha, Adrain, Dawn and shealtiel.We was going on a trip to Alanta, to just take a vacation for the summer. We was riding in a white hummer. we had brung lots of snacks and food to eat on the way down there. We all was taking turns driving. We al had our boyfriends with us to and that was lots of fun. We was loud making jokes laughing with each other. Time and there some was having disagreements but we put that behind us and still had fun. We was listening to some music, and I forgot I was even driving . Until there was a BIG bomp that came from the backk of the car. When we all turned around and saw that it was chris brown, nelly, lil zane, ciara, bowow and soujaboy. We all was going nuts not knowing wat to do. Everybody was yelling screaming telling me to pull over. When I pulled over so did they. It wa so crazy every body was going crazy. We all decided to go together. They knew the better way to get down there so we followed them. When we was cruising down the road. At the same time we was still acting crazy. We all decided pto go to the hotel and get our own room. we all got a room with our boyfriends. When we all got comfortable they perfomed for us and signed autographs for us. At the end we got to talk to them and got to know them . We found out things we didnt know already.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The braviest thing that I done was ride on the roller coster. The reason why i say that was the braviest thing i ever done is because one of my feras was hights. I think that was good that i got over my fear because one day i might have to do some thing that have to do with life or dealth. Either i have to same my own life or some ones elses. I think that riding on a roller coster was one step to really getting over that fear. I remeber the day when i got on that roller coster. I was in line ready to get on. But while i was waiting i was nervous, and getting scared asking my self if i should do it or not. when it was my turn i was shaking and not knowing what to do. but i toughing up and decided to get on. while on the ride i was scared, and i started screaming. As soon as i got off i was proud of my self. since then i liked riding roller costers.