Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What do you think makes a good friend?

What I think makes agood friend is some one who is always there for you no matter what. some one who who understands you when you are down. what also think that makes a good friend is some one who dont talk about you behinde your back. some one who trust you even though some one said you said some thing you wont get mad and start makin a scene. A good friend is some one who is there for you when you neee them. some one who makes you happy when you are down. what makes a good friend ansd some one who you tell your secrets to and not worry abou some one else knowing. a good friend is some one who dont leave you for some body else. some one who dont trade on you. some who dont get mad at you over stupid stuff. some one who is still by your sied even after all the disagreements you had.

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