Thursday, October 16, 2008

The worst thing a parent can do to a child

To me theres many things you can do to a child but there is not a worse. For an example, when a parent beat their child. To me parents shouldnt even whoop their kids because it dont even work,. they might get use to getting whoopings depending on how many they have gotten,it wont even hurt to them. Another thing a parent can do to a child is dont belive them when they say some one did some thing to them like raped them or touched them in a wrong way. why do parents do that to their kids especially their girls? some times when the girls tell their mom that some one had did some thing to them like their mothers boyfriend, the parent dont belive them. they belive the man over their own child. thats suppose to be your blood and you suppose to be there for them no matter what. amother shouldnt do that to their child. when a parent do that to their child their child looses trust in you.a man comes and go but your child comes and when you looses them you cant get them back. killing your child is som thing a PARENT shouldnt do. why have kids when all you going to do is torture them. to me its a waste of time to have kids if you are not going to be the parent you should. Thats not even a parent. A parent is some one who take care of their kids and be there for them.

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