Monday, December 1, 2008

The braviest thing that I done was ride on the roller coster. The reason why i say that was the braviest thing i ever done is because one of my feras was hights. I think that was good that i got over my fear because one day i might have to do some thing that have to do with life or dealth. Either i have to same my own life or some ones elses. I think that riding on a roller coster was one step to really getting over that fear. I remeber the day when i got on that roller coster. I was in line ready to get on. But while i was waiting i was nervous, and getting scared asking my self if i should do it or not. when it was my turn i was shaking and not knowing what to do. but i toughing up and decided to get on. while on the ride i was scared, and i started screaming. As soon as i got off i was proud of my self. since then i liked riding roller costers.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

OMG!!!!! I love rollercoasters but i feel you cuz im scared of sumtoo.